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iBookiee Chinese Bookstore 愛塔豬中文童書店

【Registration】Parent-Child Reading Class (0-5yr)

【Registration】Parent-Child Reading Class (0-5yr)

Regular price $210.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $210.00 CAD
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We focus on sparking interest for reading for children of age 0-5 years old!

Q: What is parent-child shared reading? Is it important?


Children hearing is the most developed in the early stages, and they "listen to stories" with their sense of hearing. Therefore, "listening to adults reading aloud" is the way children read in the early stages.

In addition to using their eyes to read books, children also use their ears to listen to books and their whole body's senses to experience the book. Therefore, when adult read picture books to children, they can focus on the pictures, listen to the story, and feel the rhythm, beauty, and art created by the combination of text and illustrations, which is the true complete reading process.

"Shared reading" is the interaction and communication between children and adults as it involves language, body, and emotions.

For example, if children kicks their legs and reaches out to touch the book, you can touch their feet and say, "Your legs are so strong. The child in the book is kicking a ball. Do you want to kick a ball too?"

Through this accumulation of dialogue and interaction, you will develop a close bond and a habit of listening to each other's words. This forms an important foundation for establishing good two-way communication between parent and child. As the child grows, they will gradually become accustomed to expressing their feelings and wanting to communicate and discuss with you. 

1. Listening to stories promotes language development!
2. Flipping through books develops fine motor skills!
3. Shared reading enhances focus and concentration!

Four steps of shared reading (P.E.E.R.):
1.  Prompt: Encourage the child to say more about the content of the book.
2. Evaluate: Respond to the child's answers.
3. Expand: Expand on the child's responses.
4. Repeat: Review and repeat the expanded information.

Five types of question prompts (C.R.O.W.D.):
1. Completion Prompts: Intentionally not completing a sentence to encourage the child to finish it.
2.  Recall Questions: Encourage the child to recall events from the story. Ask these questions after reading a paragraph.
3. Open-Ended Questions: Use the pictures in the book to ask what happened in the story.
4. WH-Questions (What, Why, When, etc.): Questions that begin with "Why," "Where," "When," "How," "Who" to gain a deeper understanding of the child's comprehension of the story.
5. Distance Questions: Ask questions related to the story but extending beyond the book, connecting the story to the child's life.

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